An Important Monday Kunstler

But before I get to that, let me say that I have questioned myself as to why I should have become so embroiled in the US election matters this time. I am, after all, not an American (thank goodness). Nor am I even a conservative. I usually, in quizzes that determine where one lies on the political spectrum, turn out to be moderately socialist. So, why am I so occupied in questioning the legitimacy of a foreign nation’s electoral process and the apparent (surface) defeat of a conservative incumbent President who even I despise as being unworthy of the post he holds – though recognising the decisions of the people who put him there – and at the same time deriding the so-called victory of his opponent?

I’ll tell you why.  It is because, I have concluded, I want to see the best for America, its people, and the world (of which I am a citizen) – knowing full well that the best outcome for none of those things is going to happen, no matter what and no matter who wins.  But, whatever does happen to America, its people and the world, I want it to be free from the playbook of deceit, lies and dishonourable activities – which playbook is what the Democratic Party has stooped to using in recent times and arguably for much longer than that.  This is why I am arguing for a true and honest reassessment of the election.  It is much bigger than the Trump issue or the Biden issue.  It goes to the heart of what it means to be human and to be free. And to live a life unencumbered by the actions and desires of those (whoever they are) who believe it is their right to dictate to others under what conditions they should live.

The greatest fraud ever perpetrated on a people has been played out in this election and that fact is about to be recognised and the false result overturned.  Mark my words.

Now to Jim’s latest post – which I welcome wholeheartedly. 

Read on for the full post… or go to the original here.

CLUSTERFUCK NATION – BLOG || November 9, 2020

Fore !

Clusterfuck Nation 
For your reading pleasure Mondays and Fridays 
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Sure enough, President Donald Trump likes to get out on the golf links, which is where he was on Saturday, a most spectacularly lovely Indian Summer day following a harsh election week. Of course, his outing provoked much mirth from a gloating national news media — and, by national, I mean united in purpose — as in: look at the big fat sad golfing loser-clown we of the anointed Woke class just beat like a drum on our noble march back to power! 

In their righteous raptures of perceived victory, they missed Mr. Trump’s message, which was: This is how worried I am about the final outcome of this election. He’s a daisy, our president. 

The news media’s strategy here, you understand, is to overcome reality by main force — reality being that the election Joe Biden rode in on was a garbage barge of ballot fraud that is on its way to being called out. So, the newspapers and cable stations rushed to declare Mr. Biden “the winner,” with several swing states’ votes not yet completely counted, and Mr. Biden self-ratified the call, while the Woke Resistance spent the weekend partying in Covid-19 super-spreader crowds they had deplored only days earlier. 

Today’s (Monday’s) New York Times is an especially rich billow of gaslight wafting over the nation, as denoted in these headlines: 

The Election Is Over. The Nation’s Rifts Remain. 

President Trump Lost the Race, but Republicans Know It’s Still His Party 

Biden to Restore a White House Tradition of Presidential Pets 

It’s self-evident, you see. The charismatic Joe Biden is moving into the White House, pets and all (plus Hunter in the Lincoln bedroom). Done and done, signed, sealed, delivered according to us, the august Newspaper of Record! Don’t even bother complaining, ye pathetic hordes of racist, red-hatted whiners…. And, by the way, we’ll be coming after all y’all not so fine people — as signaled by Washington Post op-edster Jennifer Rubin:

That was all the news that America got this weekend while the Golden Golem of Greatness, he laid low on the golf links, his own omission to concede the election pulsating only dimly through all that gaslight, the message drowned out by the popping champagne corks and whooping in Washington’s Black Lives Matter Square, across the street from the soon-to-be fumigated White House. 

Not a few reality-based observers in the pointed out that it’s not the MSM’s official duty to pick winners. That’s up to elected state legislators certifying the vote. So, what’s really going on? 

The Democrats… the Resistance… “progressives,” the Left — whatever you want to call them — are much less afraid of being caught for committing election fraud than for getting nailed on a long list of previous and quite serious crimes dating back a decade, including SpyGate, MuellerGate (Russian Collusion), Ukraine-WhistleblowerGate, Uranium One, the Skolkovo technology transfer, the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play doings, and the recently disclosed influence-peddling and money-laundering schemes of the Biden Family. A little election fraud ain’t nuthin to that massive, reeking landfill of perfidy and sedition, and folks apparently forget that the election happened just on the eve of whatever investigative results John Durham & Company may be ready to drop on the nation — including the afore-alluded-to Biden Family hijinks, of which there is a live case at the DOJ. Boy are they afraid of all that. Just sayin… in case you put it out of mind in all the excitement. So, now we will discover whether they committed targeted election fraud, and then, perhaps, we’ll find out how those other matters turn. 

As for the election fraud itself, you can be sure that a holy host of computer nerd statisticians on Mr. Trump’s end have been working backstage, out of the limelight, to sift those kwazy numbers coming out of places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada where the race was pretty darn tight. From a strictly procedural point-of-view, Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes look like an open-and-shut case of official misfeasance — insofar as that state’s Supreme Court exceeded its authority in changing the election law to allow ballots received after 8p.m. election day to be counted for days afterward (election law being the sole prerogative of the state legislature). And that’s a lot of ballots. That will likely be adjudicated in the US supreme court, and pretty pronto, given the exigent circumstances. 

Then there are the janky numbers in all those other states where the Dominion vote tabulation software was used: 130,000 here… 27,000 there… et cetera. By the way, the company that puts out this Dominion product is partly owned by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband, Richard C. Blum; one of its top executives is Nancy Pelosi’s former chief-of-staff; and the software’s development was funded by the Clinton Global Initiative in 2014. I guess they know a good thing when it jumps up and bites them on the lips. 

I suppose you’ve also seen rumors about the Intelligence Community’s election-meddling software programs, HAMR (“Hammer”) and Scorecard allegedly being employed in last week’s election, but that is only a rumor so far. Sidney Powell, lawyer to General Michael Flynn, dropped it on the airwaves, and recall that General Flynn was the Director of the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), so there’s a chance that he knows about these programs in excruciating detail. There’s also reason to believe that General Flynn retains connections to many loyal intel techies who worked under him, and are capable of sussing out the situation. Also, by the way: do you suppose that any of this election-meddling software was used to ensure Joe Biden’s mysterious out-of-nowhere victory in the Super-Tuesday primary? Hmmm….? 

So, is this over? Is the election a done deal? Perhaps not. A fun weekend was had by all on the Biden side. Stand by in the days ahead. You may see a lot of heads explode as their narrative goes south. If it turns out I’m wrong about all this, I will be the first one to say so around here. 

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