Inhaling Your Own Gunsmoke

“The Fumes of Fanaticism” a telling piece by James Howard Kunstler.

‘Fanaticism’.  A word that is not out of place in many settings around the world today (there must be something in the air), and a word when used as a just descriptor of the state of mind or attitude of a political party, does not bode well for the prospects of that party’s fitness to be the leader of a legislative house or congress of the people, nor indeed to produce a fit and proper presidential contender within the next 12 months.

That’s just my thoughts of course, having read Jim’s piece (which hopefully you have also done), and since I have no part or place in the doings and machinations of the US political system, it is unlikely to matter one way or another how all that eventuates – if it actually does eventuate, and is not overtaken by much more urgent matters requiring overriding attention. 

I’m sure it, whatever ‘it’ is, and the lead-up to ‘it’ will be fun to watch though – from a distance.

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